I recently had to move my email process from a bellsouth.net mail server (?in TX) to an ATT/Yahoo email server in Santa Clara, CA. This switch, with entropy, took ~72hrs.
ATT/Bellsouth seem to report the switch is now complete.

Naturally, nobody at BellSouth or ATT know anything about (or do not like!) Eudora......... :)

Along with pointing Eudora to a new POP server and a new SMTP server (at yahoo.com), I was also told to enable SSL and change/use alternate "ports" for these new servers. I think that I have managed to make the proper changes to Eudora. I do seem to get email..................
BUT, not without constant Eudora reported ERRORS.  The errors read as follows:

<Dominant>, SSL: 1 message(s) lefte to download., DELE 10 [01:37:50 PM]
There has been an error transferring your mail. I said: DELE 10 and than the POP Server (u...@bellsouth.net@pop.att.yahoo.com) said: ERR popgate inactivity timeout

1. I have now changed Eudora to "Leave email on the server." Just to see if this error each time I RCV email goes away.

2. If left this way, I will now have to login to att/yahoo's web portal each week to erase my inbox. Bummer!

BTW, Mozilla/Thunderbird v2.0.0.21 will not/does not even talk to these new replacement isp email servers at all!

Can I supply any additional info?

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