You need to put the drive in another machine and run a recovery utility
against it. Given the amount of free space, it's unlikely that the W7
installer got much further than formatting and making a few directories, so
a decent data recovery tool should be able to scan the drive and reassemble
most of what was on it.

I've used and had good results with Runtime Software's GetDataBack before.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:hardware-
>] On Behalf Of Bino Gopal
> Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 11:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [H] Need MAJOR help with fubar'ed WinXP install
> Mother of cr*p.  So now that I'm facing reality, I think the Win7 USB
> key
> did more than I expected b/c when I'm in the recovery console and go to
> C:\
> and type "dir" I see very few files and dirs and I also see
> 99,756,855,296
> bytes free on a 100GB HD (which had a lot more data on it)... *SIGH*
> So I figure Win7 wiped the MBR or something right?  It's also installed
> and
> written a bunch of dirs but no files b/c I assume that's what I
> prevented
> when I aborted the process at 1%...
> So I tried fixboot and copying over ntldr and from WinXP
> but I
> am apparently trying to fix a Win7 install (since as mentioned there's
> no
> Doc Settings dir like in XP, but a Users dir, which I'm sure is Win7
> right?)...
> So don't I need to do something with some sort of repair program to try
> and
> figure this out (i.e. fixing the MBR and stuff) or is my data all lost
> at
> this point?  Thoughts?

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