I've had good results with a freeware "TestDisk".
Brief description:
"Tool to check and undelete partition (FAT, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3,
ReiserFS, BFS) under DOS, Win9x, Linux, BSD. [GNU Public License]"
As with all data recovery, STOP letting ANYTHING write
to that drive.
This program, run from a different drive, will non destructively
analize first, before committing ANY changes, and then only on demand.
That basically means installing it somewhere else, or booting with floppies, 
CDs, DVDs etc.

AS said below, some data might already be lost.
WinXP and Win7 use TOTALLY different boot procedures, so you
may be looking at data recovery "only". (IMHO.)

Rick Glazier

From: <tmservo@

Depends. You might find data recovery programs that will run a format recovery and get some back. But anything that has been over-written with the new structures on the disc is toast.

So, when was your last backup?

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