Imaging is not so long that I fret it if I can take the box offsite & backup without needing compression. Good ass-protector anyways against "repairs" that break more than they fix, LOL!

Likely I'd charge $50 to do a backup/restore of (all) My Documents folder(s) and a full OS reinstall+updates assuming I can have the machine offsite for a few days. More obviously if I have to stay onsite. It's just not worth the hassle once an infection is found to do surgery and not be able to certify there's no undetected malware lingering. Added bonus we all know: a reinstalled machine runs faster!

Time wise it's a few hours of hands on and a few more letting updates install. Insult to injury, most of the people here are too rural for more than dial up, satellite sucks, so bringing a box "back to home base" where I got 9Mb cable is just more expedient.

Now if I could just get enough exposure to get a customer base & show 'em I'm cheaper and better than the store front shops + Geek Squad... ;)

On 5/26/2010 4:36 AM, Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 11:54 PM 25/05/2010, maccrawj wrote:
Any reason not to just scan with the customer drive attached to a
bench machine as a data volume & bypass the OS completely? I've come
to the conclusion that scanning with a host OS of unknown state is
just not reliable anyway.

Yes, and I do that as well as my first pass.

Imaging the system, a good preventative measure anyway, then
uninstalling the AV is another idea.

That's an idea - but I'm working on time saving measures here, so
imaging might add too much time to what I'm doing.

Safemode comes to mind though it disables so much I am not sure it's a
viable solution.

I do some scanning in safe mode, but I find it's bloody slow.

BTW, on a seperate topic, what do the guys on the list who charge for
disinfecting computers charge these days to disinfect a machine, and
about how long is taking you? I'm charging $47 and it takes about 24 hours.


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