Those plug 'n go's do the job if you're gonna pull, still I rather own something I can use myself when not working:

Mine came with second tray for free so if forced to, I use it for repairs.

Still amazes me how ATX cheap cases are and how expensive dumb multi-bay "drive enclosures" are never mind the smart stuff like Drobo.

On 5/26/2010 5:58 AM, Christopher Fisk wrote:
On Wed, 26 May 2010, Thane Sherrington wrote:

At 11:54 PM 25/05/2010, maccrawj wrote:
Any reason not to just scan with the customer drive attached to a
bench machine as a data volume & bypass the OS completely? I've come
to the conclusion that scanning with a host OS of unknown state is
just not reliable anyway.

Yes, and I do that as well as my first pass.

Imaging the system, a good preventative measure anyway, then
uninstalling the AV is another idea.

That's an idea - but I'm working on time saving measures here, so
imaging might add too much time to what I'm doing.

Imaging is a very good policy. I don't do it for all my customers, but I
have been seriously considering starting. I had a "duh!" moment earlier
when I read your message about USB being slow and eSATA being an option.
Part of the reason we don't image is due to the relative slowness of
USB. May as well toss an eSATA port in the machine, we have plenty of
USB enclosures that support eSATA.

Allows quick plug and unplug of both 3.5 and 2.5 inch drives. If using
both drives on the eSATA port your eSATA on your computer needs to
support port multiplication.

Safemode comes to mind though it disables so much I am not sure it's
a viable solution.

I do some scanning in safe mode, but I find it's bloody slow.

BTW, on a seperate topic, what do the guys on the list who charge for
disinfecting computers charge these days to disinfect a machine, and
about how long is taking you? I'm charging $47 and it takes about 24

We service businesses only and charge "keyboard time" for any cleanups.
generally $170 for a cleanup for business customers. We have prior
relationships for them. Actual employee time for the cleanup is about 2
hours, but due to the nature of the cleanups we try to finish within 24
hours as well.

At $47 you better be getting a lot of volume...

Might want to try to value add to that. bump the price to $75 and you
install a free antivirus and zonealarm free, Foxit, 7zip, vlc media
player, etc.

Always always give them a quote on upgrading their memory if they need
memory, as we all know it is the cheapest upgrade you can do for an
immediate speed increase.

Christopher Fisk

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