Pardon me for not responding sooner. You threw me a curve.
What you ask me about, I have never even thought of.
When I purchased, I chose to add a server to my LAN. Simple as that.

My server came to me used with acceptable credentials, w/loaded OS, ready to 'play' with. It came to me with a fully installed RAID5 array. It has essentially the very same RAID5 array now, except that today I have 2 hot spares in place. I still consider this machine my local, in-home LAN server learning platform.

Yes, it does do what I consider important functions; chiefly, it runs my ESET Enterprise Server/RAS/RAC/Mirror needs. Besides that, it is also my WINS server for my LAN. Probably a separate topic! It is NOT a domain controller (still under study).

It came to me with a functional RAID system which I had never owned/built. I have learned much about the care and feeding of a commercial-grade (my belief) RAID system.. Thank you Collective!

But, yes, it is a SCSI U160 system. Hence my Initial "Pending Conversion." I conjured that I might be able possibly convert from SCSI to SATA without a lot of cost/grief. I am still looking at Bryan's shares and trying to comprehend the following discussion from yourself, Greg, Bryan, and Joshua. All of which I read and try to follow. Admit, much of which leaves me in the dust. No harm, no foul. Thanks folks. My bad, not yours!

I could, perhaps, agree that I am "playing" with a piece of equipment I should never have come in contact with. Fine. Too late! LOL!

On 08/09/2010 23:39, Eli Allen wrote:
I don't understand why you want a raid controller.  Are you really
doing anything that is disk i/o bound?  or is it to keep from losing
data?  Would seem like almost any modern m/b with low end CPU would be
faster and you can just use the built in raid to do a mirrored raid.

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 10:26 PM, DSinc<dx7...@bellsouth.net>  wrote:
I will print and parse your suggestions.  Afraid I may be even more behind.
The best I can offer are PCI-66 slots on an old Intel STL2 m/b (think this
is ServerWerz chipset/design).  Know this may be way past its' prime, but
this beast just will not die.
Yes, I may be trying to beat a horse that ain't quite dead yet.....
Still learning.  I'll get back to you. Let me parse, absorb, and, think.
  There are a few times when Technology can just suck!

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