On this I can agree. Probably why it takes me 10 minutes to dig through a support site for a m/b.
I still recall most of the detailed shares here about the "capacitor" issue.
Sadly, it continues to pop up in 'older' machines. I still watch for "puffed caps"

Don't know whose caps were used in my Server m/b. I check them about every 6mo during PM. Never seen a bad one. Even on the VR module. This old dog is really built well. I am still impressed with it after 6 years; and, I know it was in service years before I got it..

On 08/09/2010 22:47, FORC5 wrote:
sometimes I think blown caps were a blessing in disguise forcing updating :-[

I know my bad
At 07:26 PM 8/9/2010, DSinc Poked the stick with:
I will print and parse your suggestions.  Afraid I may be even more behind.
The best I can offer are PCI-66 slots on an old Intel STL2 m/b (think this is 
ServerWerz chipset/design).  Know this may be way past its' prime, but this 
beast just will not die.
Yes, I may be trying to beat a horse that ain't quite dead yet.....
Still learning.  I'll get back to you. Let me parse, absorb, and, think.  There 
are a few times when Technology can just suck!

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