Lol I should more correctly say that they don't support it-it's not that it's 
forbidden or anything-just that I got a "Don't come asking us for help with it 
b/c we don't support it so we won't help you"-there's not actually a policy 
against using it!

Does that help?

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardware <> On Behalf Of 
Christopher Fisk
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Outlook 2019 and Gmail questions-specifically Gmail Calendar 
in Outlook!


Second:  "Oh and I can't ask Corp IT b/c they don't want anyone using Outlook 
just all the GSuite stuff over the web and so I'm not getting any help there 
sadly..."  I honestly can't in good conscious recommend that you break company 
policy by using outlook.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:43 PM Bino Gopal <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> So my new work uses GSuite instead of Exchange for work 
> emails...shocking to me but I guess the move to the Cloud is really real...!
> The problem is that I've lived and breathed Outlook for the last 20 
> years for email and I pretty much have all the workflows I need in it 
> down (rules of all kinds, etc, etc).  I also have a 
> Hotmail/ account for my personal email and that also works 
> great in Outlook and so I'm used to doing all my 
> email/contacts/calendar etc in one place.  This setup also synced great to my 
> iPhone and I was happy with it.
> The problem I'm having now is that I'm not sure how best to set things 
> up in Outlook with the new Gmail account for work...any general 
> suggestions would be welcome (like which account I should set up as 
> the default one on my phone or in Outlook-my work account or Hotmail?), etc.
> More specifically, one BIG problem I'm having is that when I added my 
> work Gmail account to Outlook 2019 it sync'ed my email and that mostly 
> works fine-BUT I do NOT have a calendar of any kind showing up at all 
> on the Gmail account in Outlook 2019...which is really weird to me (no 
> Contacts either btw).  But when I get invites sent to my work email I 
> can accept them and then they are added to the Calendar showing up in 
> my Hotmail account (which is where I put my personal appts) and made 
> my default once I left the old job (yeah no longer with 
> Citrix/NetScaler after 19 years!)
> But when I log into the Gmail calendar on the web those items are 
> definitely not sync'd with the items on my Hotmail calendar (like when 
> I accept the invite through Outlook 2019 it's just adding it to that 
> Calendar showing in Outlook and doing nothing with the Gmail 
> calendar)-so I'd have to manage two calendars which I'd like to avoid...
> I've also noticed that certain items are not showing up in the Outlook 
> calendar that are on my Gmail calendar and I'm not sure why as I've 
> accepted all the invites I could find so that's worrying me too...
> Anyway obviously I've mostly got questions right now about the Gmail 
> calendar and basically why I don't have it showing up in Outlook and 
> how I can get the Gmail calendar sync to what's showing on my Hotmail 
> calendar so I don't have to manage two separate calendars...
> Thoughts?  Any help would be REALLY appreciated.  Oh and I can't ask 
> Corp IT b/c they don't want anyone using Outlook just all the GSuite 
> stuff over the web and so I'm not getting any help there sadly...
>           BINO

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