Hehehehe gimana kalo dibanding dengan gTummo Exoteric, kan klo dah dapet 
level vajramaster itu dapet nama spiritual.. yang hanya dengan memanggil 
nama spiritualnya saja kita bisa merasakan keberadaan energynya... juga 
dengan nama spiritual yang pas seluruh rintangan hidup diminimalisir dan 
kita diberikan kekuatan menghadapinya.. serta positifitas diri akan lebih 
'keluar'... yah begitulah kira2. bdea mas dengan pemberian nama orang tua 
seperti Sugeng ato Slamet. Itu mah bukan nama spiritual. Tapi Seperti kata 
orangtua Nama adalah juga Doa dengan memberi nama Sugeng ato Slamet 
diharapkan dia selalu terhindar dari mara bahaya.

Anyway, ini ada postingan seorang teman  tentang numerology ataupun 
perhitungan nama dan tanggal lahir dari berbagai tradisi dan peradaban? 
misal kalo dari cina begini, kalo dari mesir begitu, kalo dari tibet begono, 
kalo dari india begene, kalo dari indo begeneh dll etc.. hehehehe...

Nah yang ini neh menurut aliran kabala


Advanced Numerology

- the complete understanding of mind by the Kabalarian Philosophy
Because you will never find this site if you are searching the web search 
engines on the term numerology, we have replaced our term for this mental 
law, the Mathematical Principle of name, with the more common term, 
We have also added the adjective "Advanced", to signify that this 
understanding goes well beyond common "Numerology". This is done to help you 
find this web site. But the Kabalarian understanding is much deeper and 
broader than the current versions of Numerology taught today. It more 
clearly represents the original truth of "Numerology".
Even though we have explained why we replaced the word "Numerology" for our 
term "Mathematical Principle of name" for these specific pages, we do not 
consider ourselves students of numerology.
The Kabalarian Philosophy is a much more complete theory of mind than 
Numerology! We deal with all facets of mind; including the physical, mental 
and spiritual principles of mind. With that in mind, explore the Kabalarian 
concept of Advanced Numerology, or as we call it, the "Mathematical 
Principle of name".

1. The Difference between common Numerology and the Advanced Numerology of 
the Kabalarian Philosophy?
There are many varied concepts of numerology. Through years of continual 
research and observation, Alfred J. Parker, founder of the Kabalarian 
Philosophy (http://www.kabalarians.com/cfm/searchdocs/history.cfm), 
developed detailed and accurate methods of measuring personality traits. 
Many of the ideas present in current publications on numerology were 
introduced by Mr. Parker more than 70 years ago.
Numerology deals primarily with analyzing names and birthdates to reveal 
mental qualities, but lacks the basis of a spiritual principle. It fails to 
provide a clear explanation of the unfoldment of the higher human potential.
Much of the discord that people experience in their personal lives, such as 
poor health, breakdowns in personal and business relationships, or lack of 
success, is due to the influence of unbalanced names.
The Kabalarian Philosophy provides a unique understanding of balanced names, 
which contribute to the constructive and natural expression of the inner 
potential. We use the term "Mathematical Principle 
(http://www.kabalarians.com/cfm/SearchDocs/art_nr.cfm)" rather than 
numerology due its broader application. This study teaches a complete 
universal principle of life, encompassing the physical laws of well being 
and the mental laws of balance and harmony, as well as spiritual laws which 
explain our purpose in life and the necessary steps to achieve our 
birthright, namely merging with the highest source of mental awareness, 
Universal Consiousness.
The practical benefits of a Balanced NameT have been verified through many 
years of experience.
As the human species, we are the physical vehicle for mind, which is the 
channel through which Reason evolves to regain the state of Universal 
Consciousness and express the fulfilment of spiritual potential.
If you think the Kabalarian Philosophy is just numerology, you miss the full 
import of what the Kabalarian Philosophy offers you; the knowledge of how to 
live a full and complete life, using an understanding of mind and life to 
attain balance, harmony, and wisdom. Name is a power, and it is extremely 
important to understand the far-reaching effect a name and birth date have 
before proceeding with any changes.
2. The simple truth about mind through Advanced Numerology
Do you want to know the simple yet profound principle of how mind is 
created? The very same principle of Advanced Numerology is used to create 
balanced thinking. What is more vital to you than the mathematical principle 
of Advanced Numerology that creates your individual pattern of thoughts and 
feelings? What could give you more insight into yourself and others than the 
principle of Advanced Numerology that explains the complex pattern of mind 
using a simple yet profound application of mathematics? Scientists such as 
Newton and Einstein have furthered our understanding of the mathematical 
formulas describing the physical laws that govern our world. The principle 
of Advanced Numerology explains how mind is created and balanced. Advanced 
Numerology is more significant to each of us as it directly influences every 
living person directly. Advanced Numerology explains the mathematical 
formula that creates your thinking pattern and measures your inner 
potential. This has a life-long impact on you.
Through this principle of Advanced Numerology, you can measure your inner 
potential through your date of birth, and measure your thinking pattern 
through your name. If these two aspects, the inner potential and the outer 
nature, are in harmony, our life is more fulfilled. If they are not in 
harmony, your life is bound to reflect this lack of balance in some manner. 
For example, an inspirational inner potential requires a balanced mind to 
give this creative inner power its proper expression. A practical inner 
nature requires a balanced mind for the same reason. By understanding this 
principle of Advanced Numerology, you understand the basic law that makes 
you who you are.
3. Understand every person you meet through Advanced Numerology
What is it worth to you to understand the thinking of every person you meet? 
That is what this principle of Advanced Numerology (the Mathematical 
Principle of name) offers to those who learn and apply it. Browse the 
Kabalarian Philosophy website and you will find brief analyses of most if 
not all of the people you know. These are only brief summaries of the 
influence of their names on their personalities, and are valid for people 
using English as their primary language. Much more can be said about each 
name. If you investigate further, you will discover that this is the basic 
principle of Advanced Numerology governing all minds. Advanced Numerology 
relates language, mathematics, and consciousness. Why is Joe so sociable? 
Why does Gloria seem aloof? Why can Peter be so individualistic yet 
stubborn? Why is Terry intense? Why does Diana lack confidence? Understand 
Advanced Numerology (the Mathematical Principle of name), and you will 
understand everyone you meet for the rest of your life.
4. Creating balanced thinking through Advanced Numerology is the key to 
Balanced thinking is worth more than any material asset. It cannot be 
purchased or sold, but is expressed more fully in your life as you 
understand thinking itself. This principle of Advanced Numerology will give 
you the vital key to creating balanced thinking that is the key to 
happiness. Everything finite can be measured mathematically, even our 
thinking. We create balanced thinking in two ways. Firstly, we get to the 
source of our thinking pattern by balancing the name using Advanced 
Numerology. This re-correlates the forces of intelligence that our mind 
draws from. Name ReportTs are accurate only because our names create our 
thinking pattern. By changing our names to balanced names, we change our 
thinking pattern at a fundamental level. Secondly, we must develop a greater 
awareness of Advanced Numerology to understand the qualities of intelligence 
to refine and manage our thinking process. This takes time and is a vital 
step for mental growth. In these two ways, your life will be a reflecti on 
of greater balance and happiness. Your name is attached to you by your 
parents. Each letter in your name is associated to a number based upon its 
sequential position in the alphabet. Each number is linked to a quality of 
intelligence. These numbers or qualities are combined together into a 
formula that reveals much about your mental makeup. These are the qualities 
of intelligence that you draw upon when using that name. Who are you? 
Advanced Numerology teaches that you are your name. What's in a name? The 
name, through the individual letters, combines qualities of intelligence to 
create the matrix of conscious energies that you draw from to create your 
thinking pattern. Every one is unique, but the principle of name governs how 
we bring this uniqueness into expression.
Every quality of intelligence can be expressed either constructively or 
destructively. You are the final arbitrator of this expression. But the name 
combines these qualities in patterns that dramatically affect whether you 
can express your higher side consistently. It would take tremendous 
self-control to overcome the mathematical discords of many names. This is 
the basis for changing an unBalanced NameT to a mathematically Balanced 
NameT. A Balanced NameT, as taught by Advanced Numerology, will allow a more 
natural expression of the constructive qualities of intelligence as the 
person puts forth the effort to incorporate the balance.
Once you know this simple principle of Advanced Numerology, you will be able 
to measure constructive and destructive thinking more directly. You will 
understand why some people are more moody, why others are selfish, why some 
are indulgent, and others are lost in self-pity. Every discord in thinking 
is related to a destructive expression of a quality of intelligence. You 
will understand how limiting an unbalanced name can be, and how a balanced 
mind through Advanced Numerology has greater mental versatility and freedom 
of constructive expression.
5. Measuring mind using a provable principle of Advanced Numerology
This principle of Advanced Numerology is easily proven. It stands the test 
of a skeptical mind. There are too many false claims to take everything at 
face value. Research this principle and you will find it consistent and 
provable. This principle of Advanced Numerology gives you a practical basis 
to measure and understand mind using the power of mathematics. Use this 
website explaining Advanced Numerology to test this principle in a direct 
manner. Look up the names for any of your friends and associates. You will 
find that the sample name analyses describe them accurately. Remember this 
is only a partial analysis, as it does not take into account the other names 
they use and unique inner potentials that can be described in a full Name 
ReportT. Order a Name ReportT and test this principle on yourself. You will 
be surprised how your names have influenced your entire thinking pattern.
Study the principle of Advanced Numerology further in the home study 
program, Life Analysis Training. You can test this principle of Advanced 
Numerology every day by using it to analyze everyone you meet. The Advanced 
Numerology principles taught in this course are consistent and provable. A 
basic law will stand up to any logical investigation. This course offers you 
new insights into mind that you will not find elsewhere.
6. The hidden truth of Advanced Numerology universally applicable to all
The principle of Advanced Numerology works in all languages. It has been 
known in many past cultures and ages. Advanced Numerology is hidden in 
symbolism in many of the major religions. Advanced Numerology is the basic 
principle of how consciousness comes into form through the mathematical 
symbols of language. Learn this principle of Advanced Numerology and you 
will have a key of infinite value in creating the understanding, balance, 
and happiness every person requires. Why are people the way they are? Why do 
people have such limitations when their potential is for so much more? By 
understanding the cause of mind, you understand the reason for the 
confusions as people seek for answers to their challenges and dilemmas in 
the effects of life. Once you understand mind through Advanced Numerology 
and how mind is created and balanced, you will begin to understand a cause 
that is basic. Advanced Numerology can give you a perspective on the greater 
potential of life.
7. Take responsibility for your total well-being with Advanced Numerology
You are not completely self-responsible until you take responsibility for 
your thinking. Your mental habits greatly affect your physical well being. 
What is the key to balanced thinking? The key is to learn how to balance 
your thinking pattern and the inner potential through Advanced Numerology. 
What is the inner potential? It is a quality of reason linked to us at the 
time of birth. It represents a quality of intelligence that describes a 
particular approach or path we should follow. In Advanced Numerology, we 
call it a "birthpath". It is not a limitation, but a unique quality that we 
should learn to understand and develop. We develop this inner potential if 
the mind allows a natural avenue to express it.
For example, a 2 birthpath describes the natural diplomat. A 2 birthpath 
would naturally seek to understand the heart and mind of others. The 2 is 
more sensitive to the thinking and feelings of others, and will strive to 
create peace between people. There are many other influences that shade this 
expression. But fundamentally the 2 birthpath is a people-oriented path. 
What happens when a person born with a 2 birthpath is given a name that 
creates much aloneness and lack of communication? A fundamental tension is 
created by the lack of expression of this inner urge. Health problems can 
ensue because of this basic tension.
Understanding your inner nature and your pattern of thinking through 
Advanced Numerology is vital to creating greater health, happiness, and 
success in of your life.
8. Understand the potential of mental evolution through Advanced Numerology
Answering the many questions of life is possible through the wisdom of the 
Advanced Numerology taught in Kabalarian Philosophy. As we apply Advanced 
Numerology principles, we can resolve the many challenges and dilemas that 
confront us. We can approach issues from a basic cause, as mind is a 
fundamental influence on all aspects of our lives. Mental evolution is the 
day-by-day progression in understanding the laws of life and applying them 
in our lives to make a difference. The more we understand and apply the 
basics of good health, mental balance, and mental growth, the greater our 
happiness in living constructively. Many of the mysteries of life are 
mysteries only because the basic principle behind their expression is not 
understood. So many get lost in the complexities of living, failing to use 
what is potentially the most powerful instrument in the universe - human 
mind using logic and reason. There is nothing mysterious about using our 
thinking abilities, but there is nothing more important than a clear 
perspective that can clear away misunderstanding, fear, and confusion. Seek 
the wisdom of Advanced Numerology taught in the Kabalarian Philosophy, and 
you will have a firm basis for understanding the myriad expressions of life.
9. Accomplishment and attainment through a greater understanding of mind 
through Advanced Numerology
Everyone alive has a unique potential. We each are linked to life through 
the first breath, and complete our life with the last breath. In between, 
the experiences of our life are linked directly to our thinking pattern. The 
more we apply Advanced Numerology in evolving our own thinking, the greater 
our expression of mental balance. Success, accomplishment, and attainment 
are all earned through our physical and mental efforts. We reap as we sow, 
as every farmer and thinker knows. Sow balanced thinking, and your harvest 
will be bountiful and well earned. Balanced thinking is not an automatic 
process; it takes effort. Often we must unlearn distorted concepts and 
prejudices collected from our background. We must take responsibility for 
our life and the experiences in it.
How is lasting success created? Success is created through the balance and 
creativity of mind attracting successful conditions. It does not have to be 
at the cost of a ruined marriage or ill health as is so common in our 
western world. These are byproducts of an unbalanced concept. Success in 
life should be the natural evolution of a balanced mind applying itself 
through Advanced Numerology. By attaching a bigger ideal to everything we 
do, we can create lasting value beyond self. The greater our understanding 
of the Advanced Numerology principles of mind, the greater we can add to 
life in a constructive manner.
10. Universal understanding of Advanced Numerology; one Breath, one Life, 
one Principle
All humanity is related through the principle of consciousness. We are the 
multifaceted expression of mind. Mind is the key to understanding so many 
aspects of our lives. All minds use language to function and operate. Many 
are the variations of thought and language. But they are all related through 
the universal language of mathematics no matter what the race, religion, or 
ethnic background. Alfred J Parker, the founder of the Kabalarian 
Philosophy, taught universal understanding using the saying: One Breath, One 
Life, One God. We are linked to life through the breath. As long as we are 
breathing, we can grow and evolve. The breath has a greater significance 
than a simple physical process. As it empowers the mind, the understanding 
of the breath has been a secret of the eastern philosophies for many 
In a universal sense, we are all expressions of the same power of 
Consciousness that manifests subject to the mathematical laws of being. We 
have the same universal potential to evolve mentally through our efforts to 
become a greater expression of balance. The fullest expression of 
Consciousness is wisdom. The Christian Bible says "Get wisdom, but in thy 
getting, get understanding." As we learn to understand and apply the laws of 
being in our lives, we can re-express the ageless wisdom that is as eternal 
as mind itself.
We are all linked in mind, so the destiny of humanity will rise or fall upon 
the balance of the thinking of all people. As we create greater balance in 
our lives, we do our part to influence the overall balance of life as a 

forum terkait

Rasanya Mas Gerry dan Mas Brewok lebih pakar untuk neranginnya lebih detil 
lagi.  Ato ada rekan2 Hu-ers laen yang bisa nerangin versi Kejawen misalnya, 
ato lain2 lagi.

Salam Harmonis


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "iabaiha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Harmonisasi Universal" <harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 8:38 PM
Subject: [Harmonisasi] Re: Mau tanya neeh.....

> kalo menurutku jika nama spiritual itu murni bersumber dari DIA (Sang
> Sumber / Khalik), aku yakin berbagai nama yang diterima (walo
> diberikan oleh makhluk yang berbeda) pasti memiliki makna yang sama
> (ato minimal hampir sama).  misal seperti nama "Sugeng" dan "Slamet"
> yang keduanya bermakna sama, yaitu Selamat. lha kalo seseorang
> memiliki nama spiritual yang lebih dari satu dan nama2 tersebut
> memiliki makna yang berbeda-beda, apakah nama2 tersebut benar2 nama
> spiritual yang berasal dari DIA ato cuman nama biasa yang diatas-
> namakan dari DIA??
> mohon pencerahannya... :)
> On 4 Jan, 20:15, "hmadriansyah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Nambah sedikit,
>> Betul apa yang mas Zirvan uraikan. Kalau boleh saya tambahkan kegunaan 
>> nama spiritual selain hal2 yang disebutkan mas Zirvan nama spiritual 
>> biasanya kita pakai saat bertemu dengan dengan kenalan2 lainnya di alam 
>> lain yang sifatnya bathiniah (pinjem istilahnya mas Gerry alam guru) dan 
>> juga bisa  sebagai pengenal saat memasuki alam lain tersebut.  Dngan 
>> memanggil dan menggunakan nama spiritual kita juga bisa menggunakan 
>> keahlian dan senjata yang digunakannya.
>> Demikian semoga bermanfaat
>> Salam harmonis
>> Herman
> > 

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** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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