Fernando Cassia <fcassia <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I wonder why no one has tought about having java auto-load at startup and
> having a single instance of the Java VM running all the time, and then pass
> control of the first loaded java application to it (as Mozilla or Firefox
> pre-loads itself at boot time when the "quick launch" feature is enabled).

People have thought about it, and done it to death, in so far as it can be done.

It turns out to not work that great in practice for a lot of reasons: the class
libraries are not designed for that, the VMs are not designed for that, the
security model is not designed for that at all, etc. In order to do it somewhat
sensibly, you need isolates, and isolates are having their winter sleep at this
point, judging by the JSR mailing list activity (none in past two months). 

Yay JCP! :)

dalibor topic

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