On 2/16/06, Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We need to find the tab-browsing-equivalent of a JVM ;-)

It's simple, Google should make one of their apps a cross-platform, Swing
based java one.

Google, unlike Sun, will then have the marketing power to convince vendors
to preload a java VM on their systems. Issue solved.

Microsoft can get away with the huge bloated .Net runtime just
because they ship it with newer Windows versions. Otherwise nobody would
donwload it....

I'm still scratching my bald head thinking why hasn't Google embraced
java yet. Google Talk would be a killer app written in Swing / 100% Pure
H*ck, there's even a pure-java mpeg4 implementation....

"Open source streaming media in Java™

MediaFrame is an Open Source <http://mediaframe.org/#opensource> streaming
media platform in Java™ which provides a fast, easy to implement and
extremely small applet that enables over 97%
(AdShadow<http://adshadow.com/>2002-03) of web users to view your
audio/video content without
having to rely on external player applications or bulky plug-ins. MediaFrame
does not require special servers, software or programming knowledge (feature
list <http://mediaframe.org/#features>).

MediaFrame is based on open standards and is compatible with Mpeg (Mpeg-1 &
Mpeg-4), the industry standard in video compression. This enables users to
create MediaFrame ready content in any number of applications, from Adobe
AfterEffects to Media Cleaner.
MediaFrame is feature complete for Mpeg-1 and in Beta release for Mpeg-4.
Both the Mpeg-1 & Mpeg-4 versions of MediaFrame are availble for download
now, along with source code, documentation and sample video.".  MediaFrame
is* dual license software*. Under this model, users may choose to use
MediaFrame under the free software/open source GNU General Public License
(commonly known as the "GPL") or under a commercial license.

Google Plans to add video to Google Talk

Pretty impressive things can be done with JDIC, things that make Java
desktop apps look and feel like native code: minimize to windows systray (o
Gnome panel on Linux), call the system's default web browser, and more.


One killer example of today=B4s desktop java technology is Azureus, the
bittorrent client (http://azureus.sourceforge.net).

Just my $0.02

"Hay dos caminos claros para mí: la creatividad
o el ridículo"
Adolfo Castelo (1940-2004)

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