On 2/16/06, Tim Ellison <t.p.ellison <at> gmail.com> wrote:
> Applying a style sheet makes it easy to read the exclusions list in
> glorious technicolor, either in an individual module or as a combined
> global view.

I see. And global view will be very helpful


On 2/16/06, Tim Ellison <t.p.ellison <at> gmail.com> wrote:
> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> > Stepan Mishura wrote:
> >> Did anybody think of creating a 'global' (i.e. shared by all modules)
> >> exclude list or every module will have its own exclude list? Or Harmony
> >> tests will always pass and we don't need it at all :-)
> >
> > That would be the goal :)
> >
> >> I see at least the following benefits of creating 'global' exclude
> >> list: all
> >> know issues are kept in one well known place (they don't spread between
> >> several private lists)
> >
> > That's true, but....  I always imagined that people would be working in
> > the modules anyway, so there isn't much gain.
> Modules should be as self-sufficient as we can make them, so devolving
> tests and their exclude lists into a module makes sense to me too.  They
> can be linked into a global view quite easily (read on...)
> > also it is easier to create an exclude list for a
> >> target platform, for example, linux.exclude or win.exclude.
> >
> > Yes, that could be.  Interesting idea.
> The mechanism that George contributed in HARMONY-57 uses a decorator to
> implement an exclusion list on regular JUnit tests.  (I happen to know
> that George is off enjoying himself for the next few days, so I hope he
> doesn't mind me describing it here.)
> The exclusion list is implemented as a (declarative) XML file read when
> the tests run -- in HARMONY-57 you can see one in
> Harmony_Tests/src/test/resources/config/jcltest-excludes.xml
> Picking an entry at random from there:
>    ...
>    <hy:type id="tests.api.java.io.FileTest">
>        <hy:exclude id="test_Constructor_String_String_112270"
>                    shouldfix="true">
>            <hy:reason>Undiagnosed failure</hy:reason>
>        </hy:exclude>
>        <hy:exclude id="test_Constructor_File_String_112270"
>                    shouldfix="true">
>            <hy:reason>Undiagnosed failure</hy:reason>
>        </hy:exclude>
>        <hy:exclude id="test_deleteOnExit" shouldfix="true">
>            <hy:reason>Needs investigation...</hy:reason>
>        </hy:exclude>
>    </hy:type>
>    ...
> You can see how it works -- some tests are excluded because they fail
> and should be fixed, others (not shown here) can be excluded because
> they don't make sense on a particular platform, VM, etc.
> Applying a style sheet makes it easy to read the exclusions list in
> glorious technicolor, either in an individual module or as a combined
> global view.
> Take a look at the incoming contribution and see if it fits your needs.
> Regards,
> Tim
> > However, I did imagine that we'd give the modules a bit of freedom and
> > independence for testing - a global exclude list might impact that?
> >
> > geir
> >
> >>
> >> Thoughts?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Stepan Mishura
> >> Intel Middleware Products Division
> >>
> >
> --
> Tim Ellison ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Stepan Mishura
Intel Middleware Products Division

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