Mark Hindess wrote:

On 3/7/06, Jean-frederic Clere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well I am complaining the svn contains binary files that could be
"easly" rebuild... Should I propose an additional ant target to build
those components?

Done... (for Linux for the moment), please comment

Would you intend for this to be executed as part of the build - e.g.
replacing the current zlib unzip step with a download and unzip step? Or as a once only pre-requisite step?
My idea is replacing the unzip steps... And I am thinking in other platforms then i386.

I'd be a little concerned at the icu "sudo make install" step.  You
might be overwriting someone's existing install which they might not
be expecting.  My Debian install already has icu in /usr and adding
different version in /usr/local is just
going to lead to problems since other applications will be expecting
the version in /usr but might - due to /usr/local/bin/icu-config being
first in the path - get the harmony installed version.
Agreed, sudo is just a quick hack, there are 2 options:
- check for existing and if not found build and install it.
- install in a local directory (like $HOME/install).

Long term, I'd like to see the dependencies use existing installed
versions of packages where possible.  For instance, making use of zlib
that is a standard component of all major linux distributions.  (I
have a patch to remove zlib from the linux natives already if anyone
cares.  I don't think it really helps unless we also fix the windows

In the short term, the current setup is simple and helps control
differences, which avoids confusion that may be created by picking up
different versions of these dependencies.


Mark Hindess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IBM Java Technology Centre, UK.

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