Up to now, SableVM has managed not to implement any class in C.  Of
course, one could question the "efficiency" of doing so, but hardly
question the "maintainability" of it. :-)

So, I do not think that step 2 is a hard requirement.  (Methods, of
course, can be native).


Enrico Migliore wrote:
> step 2
> The SableVM has to implement a Java interface, which means that is /has
> to/ implement in C a small set of Java classes, documented in the
> following link:

Etienne M. Gagnon, Ph.D.            http://www.info2.uqam.ca/~egagnon/
SableVM:                                       http://www.sablevm.org/
SableCC:                                       http://www.sablecc.org/

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