Etienne Gagnon wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
What are you voting against, exactly?

I don't grok why this is a problem.  You'll download the jars *once*
(until a version changes), and with the exception of the MSVC runtime
dll, it's automated for you.

[Just explaining my position, not trying to change your mind].

You won't. We just don't redistribute other people's software from the ASF infrastructure.

I'm mainly voting against having our trunk dependent on remote
(non-Apache) sites availability.

We're not dependent upon the site. The download is a convenience. You could just as easily fetch it manually and put it in depends/jars

For example, what if libXYZ-1.02.jar
became unavailable tomorrow (assuming the trunk depended on it)?  Maybe
Harmony is the only project using it, and the author went bankrupt, or
more likely, lost his site because he/she graduated from school, and
that person wasn't aware Harmony used his/her open-source stuff.  I'll
let it to your imagination to come up with other likely scenarios.

The first one isn't likely at all. We don't choose are dependencies lightly or randomly.

If we thought a dependency was flaky, we'd get a snapshot of the code as insurance.

But we really want that our external dependencies are just that - external - so we don't have to do it ourselves. We're lazy.

For example, we're going to do a distro dependnent on this "sablevm.jar" thing. What if harmony was the only project using it? or the author went bankrupt, or - more likely - lost his site because he/she got their PhD and graduated from school..... :)

such case, our trunk would break.  I don't see how temporarily re-(?)
"distributing" open-source stuff is a problem, but I'm not a lawyer, so
I'll trust Apache's lawyers on this.

Yet, I'll admit that the build system is dealing with this issue in a
rather clean way, in that a separate ant file is used for the download,
and the main build file does not depend on downloading from remote sites.


And just as a note: I have no problem living in democracy, and not
always being on the majority side.  A few discussions here and there are
key to coming up with better ideas, as long as discussions remain
civilized. :-)

Ok. So are you against having the external dependency, or having an external dependency for which we don't have a jar in svn or the website? if the latter, I'd want to have source too, as the binary is pretty useless over time...




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