On 5/18/06, Andrey Chernyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>That should work as well, at least for class libs. Actually I was
>thinking of HDK containing the pre-compiled binaries for all modules,
>not just the ones from the class libraries. VM developers would
>probably want to be able to work on a single module as well, for ex.
>JIT or GC. They wouldn't want to compile, for example, log4cxx or APR
>each time they want to build VM, these binaries are also worth to be
>the part of HDK.

>Either it would result into a separate HDK's containing VM and
>classlib modules, or we just can combine everything within a single
>HDK (which seems to me just simpler).

I am  a little less clear about VM modularity requirements for
developing/debugging etc. Sometimes bugs do cut across the functional pieces
and it is nice to follow around in the debugger. So more input would be
welcome here. But certainly compiling log4cxx etc. make no sense. Also if we
intend to become compatible with a clean modular structure ( OPEN or
whatever ), development modularity would also happen, and a composite HDK
would be nice.


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