Alex Blewitt wrote:
On 26/05/06, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The license I get to by following the URL above states (amongst other

"This license includes the right to discuss the Specification (including
the right to provide limited excerpts of text to the extent relevant to
the point[s] under discussion) with other licensees (under this or a
substantially similar version of this Agreement) of the Specification.
Other than this limited license, you acquire no right, title or interest
in or to the Specification or any other Sun intellectual property, and
the Specification may only be used in accordance with the license terms
set forth herein."

IANAL but that doesn't appear to give us rights to implement the spec
via that source?  What am I missing?

I wasn't sure about that either (which is why I posted the URL).
However, I can't find any other specification for the pack200 other
than this one -- and the JavaDoc for Pack200 pointed me in this
direction in the first place:

"Transforms a JAR file to or from a packed stream in Pack200 format.
Please refer to Network Trasfer Format JSR 200 Specification at";

Does this mean that we can't implement Pack200 by this specification,
and if so, does that prevent a complete Java 1.5 library from being
built? Or does it mean that I can't implement it from this
specification, but I can discuss how to build a pack200 compliant
algorithm for others to work from?

See my other note.  It's fine - we can build an implementation.


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