Modularize on!

Oliver Deakin wrote:
> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
>> Oliver Deakin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As you have probably noticed, I recently raised HARMONY-596
>>> (which Mark has already kindly applied) to make .lib and .a files
>>> generate
>>> straight into the deploy/lib directory.
>>> I think that now we are in a position to finally modularise the classlib
>>> native
>>> code. I've volunteered to do this, and plan to move the code down
>>> into the
>>> modules in the layout described in [1], since I believe there were no
>>> objections.
>> Other than my outstanding objections to how HDK is being conflated with
>> the deploy directory, none :)
> Notice I didn't mention the hdk at all in my previous mail ;)
>> I know I owe you some responses from last week, and that stuff shouldn't
>> stand in the way of what you want to do here.
> Yes, our plans for the HDK are separate to what I'm doing here - this is
> purely about
> putting the native code under the modules directory.
>>> I will probably warm up with some of the "easier" modules -
>>> prefs/text/auth
>>> - before moving onto archive and luni. Ill raise a separate JIRA for
>>> each
>>> set of moves, and let you all know how I progress and if there are any
>>> problems/questions I have.
>> I assume this is gradual - that you can do one module first, it can go
>> into SVN, and all still is fine?
> That's exactly what I plan to do - small chunks that can be applied to SVN
> individually rather than one world changing event.
> I will take one module at a time (probably starting with prefs) and
> prepare a
> patch to move the native code that should be under that module into the
> right
> place, and alter all the necessary build scripts. Once that's ready, Ill
> raise a
> JIRA and attach the patch in the usual way, and then move onto the next
> module with a new patch and JIRA.
> Regards,
> Oliver
>>> I also plan to create a doc for the website describing the location of
>>> the native
>>> code, and summarising how platform specific and shared code is laid out
>>> within each native component.
>> Ooh!  Ah!  THanks!
>> geir
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