Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
Mark Hindess skrev  den 26-06-2006 21:57:
What would a feasible path be from here?
Looks like one of the variables set in one of those "empty" included makefiles should be CC set to cl ?
I forgot to state that I somewhat arbitrarily tried doing exactly that, but without any success in locating the right one. I therefore hoped to hear from a person who knows more about this build system.

BTW Do you know if there is any particular reason that files are copied over to the deploy directory instead of being read directly from their original location and the compiled output written to deploy?

Do you mean the header files in deploy/include? If so, the reason they are copied there is so that they are in a shared location for all modules. (In fact it's the same reason that libs are built into deploy/lib and makefile includes are copied into

A little while ago there were a couple of threads where we discussed a Harmony
Development Kit (HDK) [1] which would allow a developer to build any
individual module without necessarily having the other modules present in
their workspace.
To this end we have set up the deploy directory to contain all the resources required to rebuild a single module standalone - that means any shared header files, any libs used to link against and any makefile includes. The header files
you see in deploy/include are those required to be shared between multiple
modules, and (loosely) define a native API between modules.

The idea is that eventually we will package HDKs up and make them available
as a downloadable bundle (in a similar way to the current classlib snapshots).
Then a developer can just download the HDK, unpack it somewhere and
rebuild any individual module against it that they are interested in working on.
As a consequence, they could also *only* checkout the module they are
interested in, rather than the whole of classlib/trunk, and still be able to rebuild
their altered code.




Oliver Deakin
IBM United Kingdom Limited

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