Oliver Deakin wrote:
> George Harley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just seen Tim's note on test support classes and it really caught my
>> attention as I have been mulling over this issue for a little while
>> now. I think that it is a good time for us to return to the topic of
>> class library test layouts.
>> The current proposal [1] sets out to segment our different types of
>> test by placing them in different file locations. 
> ok - on closer reading of this document, I have a few gripes...
> First, what happened to the Maven layout we agreed on a while ago?

"Maven layout"?  We were doing that layout in Jakarta projects long
before maven....

This is a fun thread.  I plan to read it from end to end later today and

Initial thoughts are that I've been wanting to use TestNG for months
(hence my resistance to any JUnit deps more than we needed to) and
second, annotations won't solve our problems.  More later :)


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