I downloaded and tried it out on Windows...

Comments on packaging/layout:

As pointed out by Nathan, the JRE seems to have way more in it than we
actually need.

In jre/bin:
 - What happened to the harmony launcher and the ability to use
different VMs?  I'm concerned that having a DRLVM-specific launcher, and
putting all the DRLVM files directly into jre/bin breaks the goal to run
with multiple VMs.

 - I'm assuming that the slam of the hythr library is a temporary
solution while we continue the discussion?

 - There seems to be a spurious Hello.class and encoder.lib in there.

 - jre/lib is a strange place to put the Eclipse plug-in support.  I
don;t think this should be in the HDK/JRE at all as it is a separate
piece of work.

 - Should not be a jdk/jre/include directory, only the jdk/include.  We
have two different copies of jni.h.

Running code:
 - The batch file was not much use to me...
-jar rssowl.jar

C:\download\rssowl_1_2_1_win32_bin>.\java.exe -jar rssowl.jar
'.\java.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

but the .exe ran ok and RSSOwl seems to work just fine.

I had the same problem as Nathan (ERROR: Destructive unwinding: C++
objects detected on stack!) when trying to run Eclipse 3.2.


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> I have a HDK and JRE for linux on
>     http://people.apache.org/~geir/harmony
> (I'm still battling windows...)
> The VM was built in release mode, and I have to say, it's not too shabby!
> If no one has any objections or showstoppers, I'd like to post both
> linux and win to our snapshot download site.  As this is a snapshot, I'm
> looking for a basic smoketest or pointing any stupidity or gross
> mistakes I may have made.
> If not, I'd like to go forward, and just iterate.
> geir
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