On 7/25/06, Anton Luht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For example, consider current implementation of
java.util.BitSet.cardinality() . It just checks all bits one by one
and increments count. [1] Gives an overview of algorithms for checking
set bit count. The fastest algorithms are with table lookup, which
requires additional memory, but there are algorithms that are several
times faster than iteration (in C) and don't require tables. I believe
such local optimizations with good comments and links to corresponding
resources won't do any harm and are a good point to start with.

Does it make sence?

[1] http://www-db.stanford.edu/~manku/bitcount/bitcount.html

Yes, BitSet code looks not optimized but at least it's readable :)

I always use wikipedia to read about classic algorithms implementation.
E.g. here is bit counting algorithm too, but it with a reference to the book
where it was published:
So when improving algorithm and making it not readable and 'tricky' I
propose to add a reference to the original source.

Mikhail Fursov

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