Mikhail, you are right, in some places it can be very critical.

Now HashCode works only with primitive types int, long, float, double,
boolean and doesn't override String.hashCode(), so don't care about strings.

Actually I don't understand the purpose of *combine()* method. I suppose we
can reduce it to improve perfomance.

2006/7/26, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Some hashCode functions are actually very *hot* methods (e.g. String)
In this case I think that a bad but fast hashCode() could be better than
good but slow. May be I'm wrong but only tests can show the difference.
So if you have tests, I'm +1

On 7/26/06, Denis Kishenko < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any comments?

Mikhail Fursov

Denis M. Kishenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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