Sorry for that...I checked in the patch in LUNI, and I ran LUNI test on both platform(win/linux), but it caused security module fail...

But it's really hard to run all harmony tests for only several lines of update(it lasts half hour on my T43, and I have nothing to do with it during this....), I really want to hear some good idea about this...

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
Paulex Yang wrote:
Andrew Zhang wrote:
The failure is caused by Harmony-1040.
The updated hostEquals(URL u1, URL u2) introduces a new bug:
It returns true when = null and = "" while it should
Sorry for the mistake caused by my patch. I'll update a new patch to
this problem.
Great, thank you to find this, Andrew. And don't need to say sorry, it's
me who takes responsibility on this and then owes the beer:-(.

Out of curiosity, did either of you run the test suite on windows before
offering the patch or committing it?  This isn't about "blame" or such,
but about learning about how to make a better process....

There's no harm done - it was found fast, and fixed fast, so kudos to
you guys for working together on that.


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Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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