
What platform are you running on?

I can build and run on Ubuntu 6, 5 and WinXP in debug and release.

Do your tests pass?

using the launcher is the default now :

$ cd working_vm
$ cd build
$ sh
$ cd deploy/jre/bin
$ ./java -version
$ ./java Foo



Egor Pasko wrote:
On the 0x1E8 day of Apache Harmony Egor Pasko wrote:
If you let that run, it will build classlib and drlvm, and then
package in to hdk and jre, but I don't use this in my day to day life.

I tend to go into either working_vm and build there via build/
(note you need to either set -Dextern.dep.CLASSLIB.loc correctly, or
just have a file in working_vm/build or when I need a
classlib update, go up into working_classlib, do an svn update, and
then ant.
this one does not allow me to update on downloading
XALAN. This is a kind of problem that appeared when classlib was not
built, but now it looks like built successfully.

trying more...
Simple.  You need to tell the DRLVM build where to find the built
classlib.  Right now it assumes a structure like :


but with the "federated build" structure of


I just put a file called "" into


that contains

gotcha! :)

maybe, put it in SVN directly? are there any caveats?

and then I can go into working_classlib and refresh and build, and
working_vm just picks that up on build and local assembly of jre.
building further, drinking coffee..

interesting... if I build working_classlib and working_drlvm
separately, there is no issue with lcms.h, and the build is successful
(i.e. let's get rid of this lcms.h dependency later on)

And yet, I just cannot run it...

bash-boom-bang$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`:`pwd`/default ./java -showversion -cp 
<...> Hello
Apache Harmony Launcher : (c) Copyright 1991, 2006 The Apache Software 
Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.
java version "1.5.0"
pre-alpha : not complete or compatible
svn = r446534, (Sep 18 2006), Linux/ia32/gcc 3.3.3, debug build
free(): invalid pointer 0xbfffd0b8!
SIGSEGV in VM code.
Stack trace:
        1: free (??:-1)
        2: ?? (??:-1)
        3: hymem_free_memory (??:-1)
        4: find_call_JNI_OnLoad 
        5: properties_free (??:-1)
        6: find_call_JNI_OnLoad 
        7: ?? (??:-1)
        8: readClassPathFromPropertiesFile (??:-1)
        9: ?? (??:-1)
        10: ?? (??:-1)
        11: ?? (??:-1)
        12: ?? (??:-1)
        13: ?? (??:-1)
        14: _dl_runtime_resolve (??:-1)
        15: ?? (??:-1)
        16: JNI_OnLoad (??:-1)
        17: ?? (??:-1)
        18: ?? (??:-1)
<end of stack trace>
Segmentation fault

Am I running the Harmony Launcher? Should I run it somewhat

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