On the 0x1EC day of Apache Harmony Vladimir Gorr wrote:
> On 22 Sep 2006 17:31:41 +0700, Egor Pasko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On the 0x1EB day of Apache Harmony Egor Pasko wrote:
> > > On the 0x1EB day of Apache Harmony Geir Magnusson, Jr. wrote:
> > > > I modified the launcher to include both the vm directory as well as
> > > > the launcher directory on the PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
> > >
> > > I am not catching .. the launcher directory is known without
> > > PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Why should we look at PATH?
> > >
> > > > Can those that have been having troubles with shared lib loading give
> > > > it a try, and report back, and please mention the platform you are
> > > > running on...
> > >
> > > SUSE 9:
> > > * HelloWorld works without complaining, cool!
> > > * JAVA_HOME crash is gone, great!
> > >   (but are we not ignoring JAVA_HOME yet?)
> > > * tests:
> > >   * ThreadTest failed on JET (looks like a known issue:)
> > >   * ~4 tests failed on OPT (ThreadTest too), I'll look at them
> >
> > I picked the ClassLoaderTest. It passes on JET and failes on OPT.
> > Looks like it is time to open a JIRA...  If nobody objects, :) I'll
> > put some words here as an example how to investigate JIT compiler
> > problems. I hope, it might be useful for people.
> >
> > I ran it as a single test like this:
> > .../jre/bin/java -Xem:opt
> >
> > -Xbootclasspath/a:$HARMONY/working_classlib/depends/jars/junit_3.8.2/junit.jar:$HARMONY/working_vm/build/lnx_ia32_gcc_debug/semis/kernel.tests/classes
> > junit.textui.TestRunner java.lang.ClassLoaderTest
> >
> > If invoked with the option "-Xtrace:em", DRLVM prints compilation
> > events as soon as they occur. What makes real fun is that one method
> > starts compilation several times (without success) and receives
> > SEGFAULT after not so many attempts. The bug may be in OPT or in
> > recompilation, not clear now. Will investigate (first, I'll try to
> > compile some methods with JET selectively)
> >
> > The strangest piece of the trace looks like this (funny, huh?)
> >
> > EM: compile done:[CS_OPT n=919: OK] java/lang/Object::wait()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=921] java/io/FileOutputStream::finalize()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=922]
> > java/lang/ThreadGroup::remove(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=923]
> > java/lang/ThreadGroup::remove(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=924]
> > java/lang/ThreadGroup::remove(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=925]
> > java/lang/ThreadGroup::remove(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=926]
> > java/lang/ThreadGroup::remove(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=927]
> > java/lang/ThreadGroup::remove(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=928]
> > java/lang/ThreadGroup::remove(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> > SIGSEGV in VM code.
> > EM: compile done:[CS_OPT n=920: OK]
> > java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractInterruptibleChannel::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=929]
> > org/apache/harmony/nio/internal/FileChannelImpl::implCloseChannel()V
> > Stack trace:
> >        1: ?? (??:-1)
> > <end of stack trace>
> > Segmentation fault
> >
> > with -Xno_parallel_jit option (re)compilation order should be somewhat
> > different, and here it is:
> >
> > EM: compile done:[CS_OPT n=915: OK] java/util/zip/ZipFile::finalize()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=917] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile done:[CS_OPT n=916: OK] java/lang/Object::wait()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=918] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=919] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=920] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=921] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=922] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=923] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=924] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > EM: compile start:[CS_OPT n=925] java/util/zip/ZipFile::close()V
> > SIGSEGV in VM code.
> > Stack trace:
> >    1: ?? (??:-1)
> > <end of stack trace>
> >
> > what makes me really nervous is that I cannot debug in GDB on Linux
> > (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> Why not to reproduce this situation on Windows and not to use the MVS
> debugger?
> IIRC this problem also exists for Windows.

I love Linux. And many other people do. We should be happy debuggers

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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