On the 0x200 day of Apache Harmony Leo Li wrote:
> Hi, all:
>      I now plan to make the self-host of Derby on Harmony.
>      Is there anyone interested in this topic?
>      Here is what I encountered in the process. Hope it will be helpful to
> anybody who is interested in it.
>      At first, the testcases even fails on RI both on windows and ubuntu and
> the result are different.???
>      After some struggiling, I have successfully passed the provided
> testcases on RI after I rebuild the source on my machine.
>      But there still remains a problem:
>      The derby team kindly rewrite the launcher for testcases in order to
> treat J9 vm differently if the property java.vm.name starts with "j9". But
> the j9 vm used in Harmony has been customized thus is different from
> traditional j9 vm that is expected by derby. This leads to failure to launch
> tests.
>      I will talk on Derby's mailing list to find a solution.

Is it real to run Derby on DRLVM without intelligent tweaking of
Derby? I am looking forward at the moment when it is. Please, do not
hesitate to file a bug against DRLVM if you find it performing not
very well with Derby. That would be valuable!

I tried: 'java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo' and it produced a
quite-good output on my DRLVM snapshot, but I have no idea, how to run
the tests :)

P.S.: Congratulations, all! Today is the 0x200 day of Apache Harmony
(if I count it right:) We made a significant progress since. I love
the project! Let it keep going well! ;oP

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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