On Monday 23 October 2006 20:21 Weldon Washburn wrote:
> All,
> Just a few minutes ago I sent a mail titled, "[DRLVM][MMTk]" current status
> and plan".  It is way too long and detailed to include in this list of
> drlvm enhancements.  Below is a summary that hopefully is at the
> appropriate level of detail.  Please refer to the above email for more
> information.
> Summary of MMTk projects
> 1)
> Move the exiting "uswer-level" MMTk port to GCV5
> 2)
> Get MMTk SemiSpace, GenMS and CopyMS collector running again.  They were
> broken during migration to latest MMTk source and latest drlvm svn HEAD.
> 3)
> Alter DRLVM classloader to force all MMTk classes to be loaded and all
> methods to be JITed before any java code is executed.  Integrate MMTk into
> an early stage of DRLVM boot.
> 4)
> Fix up MMTk/VM porting layer which is located at:
> drlvm/trunk/vm/MMTki/ext/vm/HarmonyDRLVM/org/apache/HarmonyDRLVM/mm/mmtk
> 5)
> Debug and verify JIT support for MMTk's Uninterruptible class.  Run simple
> multithread app and debug.
> On 10/17/06, Rana Dasgupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Gregory,
> >    It is a good idea to put up a live list, thanks. Here are some
> > suggestions on the contents for development items in the VM/JIT. A few
> > may be almost done. We can fine tune...and add other work items as well
> >
> >
> > - MMTk integration:
> > Support for magic classes in Jitrino
> > VM/JIT support for MMTk collectors including RSE and thread suspension
> >
> > ( Weldon, could you please add details?)

Weldon, can you make a subpage to Rana's list and link it to the MMTK 
integration item?

Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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