On Tuesday 24 October 2006 15:50 Alex Astapchuk wrote:
> Lazy resolution is not a silver bullet, and it's even a question whether
> it will help in these tests.
> If Bea passes the test, then I presume there are no such tests in TCK,
> so this will not affect [possible further] compatibility testing.
> As the behavior does not affect any real app as well  - again, as the
> Bea shows - then I propose to postpone the fixing this 'bug'.
> Just to avoid spending much efforts just to make a weird synthetic test
> pass. We may revisit the test later, when we'll have more resources
> and/or much shorter TODO list.

Yes the test is synthetic. But the whole problem arose from the currently 
excluded smoke tests gc.PhantomReferenceQueueTest and gc.Finalizer. They too 
are synthetic but may be an example of another place where this problem 

The idea to write user code tests was just to show that finalizers 
implementation is not the one to be blamed and the problem is reproducible on 
pure user code applications, not to show that this problem is so rare no one 
in right mind would ever write an application to encounter it :)

Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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