Etienne Gagnon wrote:
Mikhail Fursov wrote:
On 11/1/06, Etienne Gagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For comfortable IDE development, one could imagine that the IDE editor
can reduce to "one-line visible" comments (or better, specially
formatted ones) so that it gives you the impression that you are really
wearing target-specific spectacles.  [I know Eclipse allows for such
things already].
What is 'comfortable IDE development' if you can't modify the Y? Am I
missing something here?

Maybe my text was wrongly formatted...  You looked at the wrong example.
 Comfortable development happens only using "development targets".  E.g.

1- process(X, devtarget) -> Z

2- edit Z in IDE using comfortable development, where you see a single
   commented line for every hidden stream code chunk, keeping you aware
   that other streams have related code there [you click on the "+" in
   Eclipse if you want to see the complete chunk].  Of course, you
   should never delete a chunk without consulting other stream
   developers first.
   So:  edit Z -> Z'

See, I'm hoping for something a tad different :

1) For building : process() (and revert() for fun) for cmd line use for the build scripts, so we just do

  $ ant -Dtarget=java5

and what pops out is the java5 classlib jars, natives, includes, etc for java5. And would use the "version definition" metadata to choose the fileset, and then use process() to xform the code to the target sources.

2) For development : IDE plugin where

  a) I can tell plugin that my project def/configuration is whatever,
     it using metadata in a file, only consider the code that is
     defined (or not excluded - whatever is easier)

  b) I can tell plugin to look at X, know that I want
     "java5" and in situ, it shows me what Z would look like.
     I edit this, but I'm really editing X.  And I want to
     be sure, I push a button or have a split screen that
     shows me what X really looks like.

     I can edit in X, or in "virtual Z", or both at the same
     time, as I'm just really editing X.

I think it's key that our solution can work in an IDE, not just on a command line.


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