Yeah, put some logging statements in.  Ask Tim if you need some help ;)

I think we can do as you suggest, or simply document it somewhere. Cleaerly if someone knows enough to switch GC, they have hit a manual or code somewhere.

I guess when I asked the original question, I was thinking that we should just be clear that it's now deprecated, and therefore except for required changes to keep compatible w/ the interface to GC, nothing should change it. This was driven by my noticing that there was some recent patches that worked on GCv4, not 4.1...


Ivan Volosyuk wrote:
How we inform users of the code?
My suggestion is to show some clearly visibly text in console when
GCv4 is loaded something like:
* The component is deprecated and will be removed 01/15/07
* Please stop using it or discuss on

On 11/3/06, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/3/06, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From that argument, I'm now against dropping GCv4, if you actually get
> use out of it for verification of threading or other important issues.
> Yes, you can always take older revisions, but that's a pain, and if that
> is a "speedbump" that prevents you from doing those extra tests or
> verifications, I'd rather keep it around as a convenience for you. :)
> Seriously - if you need it, lets keep it.

I have an idea:
The is an incubation process to accept new projects to Apache. Why not to
introduce something like "farewell" process in Harmony that is "reversed
incubation" :) ?
So the idea is: we all agree that ComponentX is out of date and we should
drop it. We can announce that we will drop it in a N months. This will be a signal for everyone to remove any dependencies (like we have today for GCv4)
in other components during this period.

If it is OK we can say that we drop GCv4 in 01/2007 and leave it in the
trunk without additional support today .

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