Tim Ellison wrote:
Richard Liang wrote:
On 11/7/06, Nathan Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I believe we're down to agreeing to the Objects/Threads classes [1] in
luni-kernel and getting them implemented in DRLVM and the donated IBM
VM. I believe the Unsafe class needs to be re-implemented with these
interfaces, but that may already be done.
Yes, I just run testNG successfully by appending suncompat.jar and
luni-kernel-stubs.jar to bootclasspath ;-)

Why do you need to put the stubs on the bootclasspath? and there is a
sun.misc.Unsafe in the DRLVM kernel.jar so I expect you are using that.

Sorry ;-) I'm using IBM VME which does not include "org.apache.harmony.kernel.vm.Objects" and "org.apache.harmony.kernel.vm.Threads". I will try it with DRLVM.

We need to agree on the extensions to the luni kernel classes so that we
can implement them in the IBM VME too (and then share the Unsafe in


Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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