From the one hand, fix checking by issue creator is good...
But from the other hand, bug submitter could be a person who is using
Harmony snapshot and does not know how to apply the patch and build
It is also possible that issue creator is not subscribed to Harmony dev list...

So I think that *require* from issue creator to check the fix *before*
not the best solution.

Let's allow to set this field to everybody and clear it for committers
(if it's possible :)
In this case "resolution provider" could set the property and
committer could clear it if he does not like the fix...

SY, Alexey

2006/11/14, Alexei Fedotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This is a good catch. I have the following justification for 3. I
think it is better process when a bug submitter validates a patch
*before* commit to ensure that it is good. Also it validates the patch
*after*. This worth to be requested via public alias.

Why a bug submitter should do a pre-commit check? He has most interest
in the bug resolution.


On 11/13/06, Sian January <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just discovered that it's not possible for a contributor to set
> "Patch available" on a JIRA unless they reported it.  (I'm not sure about
> committers as I'm not one...)  I imagine this is to stop people coming in
> and editing other details on the JIRA, so I can see that it makes sense.  My
> question is, what is the best thing to do if I attach a patch to a JIRA and
> I can't set "Patch available"?  I can think of three alternatives at the
> moment:
> 1. Assume that the reporter will notice and set it themselves (or commit the
> fix if they're also a comitter)
> 2. E-mail the reporter privately
> 3. Post to the mailing list
> Or a fourth alternative would be a combination of the above where the person
> who contributed the patch waits a few days before doing either 2 or 3.  Any
> thoughts on what would be best?
> Thanks,
> Sian
> --
> Sian January
> IBM Java Technology Centre, UK

Thank you,

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