--- June Cummins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > I'd like to follow up on one of Shelli's suggestion,
 > her first one.


 > In short, there should be a liaison
 > between presenters and
 > the tech people at the venue.  This is a big job,
 > and it may be that
 > someone has to be especially appointed to it.  But
 > the more planning
 > happens in advance, the less likely it is that the
 > technology will
 > fail.

It's great advice, June.

As last year's "tech liaison", I can appreciate the
"especially appointed" part of your advice.

I was not "especially appointed". That meant I
couldn't predict any of the possible problems, such as
incompatibility that could have complicated matters.

I basically funtioned as an information gatherer. I
looked at what people wrote in the "equipment needed"
section of their submitted abstracts and gave those
requirements to the tech guy we contracted. I reminded
those who didn't submit equipment requirements that
they would be listed as "no equipment required" unless
I heard otherwise from them.

If I had a hunch that a requirement was too vague, I
would ask for specific details. For example, when
someone asked for a computer that could run a
particular program, I asked him for the software
requirements (e.g. speakers, VGA monitor resolution,
processor speed, etc.).

I never saw any of the equipment - or a list of the
available equipment - until the conference sessions
began. I was basically told, "whatever you'll need, we
can accommodate it." If the tech liaison doesn't know
what equipment is being offered, he (or she) isn't
going to be able to resolve compatibility problems too


Steven M. Bergson, Librarian
Jewish Public Library of Toronto

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