Fascinating.  My colleague, recently returned from remote regions, 
contributed this observation on the Yiddish-German relationship and 
the question of self-hatred as expressed by choice of language:

The impetus behind Moses Mendelssohn's "Biur," or translation of the

bible into "proper" German, though in Hebrew script, was an intense

and irrational hatred of Yiddish, his mother tongue. "This jargon

contributed no little to the immorality of the common Jews,"

Mendelssohn wrote.  Having internalized the hatred Germans felt for

Yiddish, Mendelsohn thought Yiddish was a corrupting factor, even

going as far to say that rational thought was not possible in Yiddish.

As a result, Mendelssohn's attempts to promote German language among

Yiddish-speaking Jews were strongly based on hatred of their language,

the main vessel of their culture.


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