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Em 01-07-2014 16:17, Al Matthews escreveu:
> Hello .. I find Haskell package-management to be a bit of a dark art.
> In particular, what I find, is that it is easy to break things on which I
> rely.
> This is compounded no doubt by my use of several development platforms.
> Still, I wonder if anyone has recommendations on using hsenv, or capri, or
> cabal-dev, or similar.
> One goal I think, could be to archive a minimal working environment for any
> given major piece. But I don't know if this is a heavy-handed approach, and
> as such, I ask in particular for your experience with maintaining Haskell
> code and systems over time.
> Thanks,
> Al

Hi Al,

I would recommend installing only the bare minimum of packages system
wide (global and for your user), for instance just the haskell platform,
and install everything else via cabal sandboxes. This way it will be
unlikelly that you get into trouble again.

Another option is using the nix package manager which can sandbox the
whole haskell infrastructure, including multiple version of ghc, etc.

Miguel Negrão
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