
Does anyone have some example code of how to use alsa-seq to get midi events
from a midi controller. I'm trying to get a Kork nanoKontrol working in
haskell to control hsc3 synths.  The list-ports example in the examples
folder does pick up the controller:

 Port    Client name                      Port name                Caps
 20:0    nanoKONTROL                      nanoKONTROL MIDI 1       rRwW

I had a look at the alsa-seq documentation but it is impenetrable to me.
alsa-midi looks simpler but I don't manage to install it due to package
version constraints, since it is old and deprecated in favour of alsa-seq.
There was an example some time ago in the list of how to use alsa-midi which
looked very simple, unfortunately alsa-seq looks a lot more complicated then
alsa-seq. Any advice apreciated.

Miguel Negrão 

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