On 22-05-2015 12:35, Henning Thielemann wrote:
>> Running the code in that file doesn't produce any output after "waiting
>> for an event:" when I move the sliders. I have the controller connected
>> and it appears in the list-ports.hs example. I'm I supposed to change
>> something in the code to point to the port of my controller ?
> Have you connected the controller to the dump example using 'aconnect' or 
> 'patchage' or the like?
> E.g. I have to run:
> $ aconnect 'SAMSON Graphite 49' Haskell-Dump

Ah, no I didn't do that (I have no idea of how alsa midi works, I only ever 
used MIDI from inside SuperCollider). Ok, after doing "aconnect 'nanoKONTROL' 
Haskell-Dump" I get input, so it seems to be working. Great !! I would prefer 
not to have to connect the nano to the program externally via bash, I suppose 
this can be done from inside the program also ? Would copying from these 
functions from reactive-balsa be the way to go ?

connect :: [String] -> [String] -> ReaderT Handle IO ()
connect fromNames toNames = do
   _ <- connectFrom =<< parseAddresses fromNames
   _ <- connectTo   =<< parseAddresses toNames
   return ()

connectFrom, connectTo :: Addr.T -> ReaderT Handle IO Connect.T
connectFrom from = Reader.ReaderT $ \h ->
   Connect.createFrom (sequ h) (portPublic h) from
connectTo   to   = Reader.ReaderT $ \h ->
   Connect.createTo   (sequ h) (portPublic h) to

> There is the midi-alsa package that maps alsa-seq events to events from 
> the 'midi' package. Do you consider this higher level? There is also the 
> reactive-balsa package that provides functional reactive programming of 
> ALSA via tha reactive-banana framework.

My next step after having MIDI working was going to be connecting it to 
reactive-banana so reactive-balsa looks to be exactly I was hoping for !!! 
Unfortunatelly it doesn't build currently[1] with the nix package manager 
(reactive-banana 0.7 vs 0.8, etc), so I will have to work a bit to get it to 

Thanks !!



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