hi Thielmann,

On 22-05-2015 12:01, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 2015, Miguel Negrão wrote:
>> Does anyone have some example code of how to use alsa-seq to get midi events
>> from a midi controller.
> This should help:
>    https://hackage.haskell.org/package/alsa-seq-

Running the code in that file doesn't produce any output after "waiting
for an event:" when I move the sliders. I have the controller connected
and it appears in the list-ports.hs example. I'm I supposed to change
something in the code to point to the port of my controller ?

Is portmidi perhaps easier to use ? I did get that working, but it
doesn't seem to have any callback interface, it seems I have to poll it,
and it is a bit low level too.

It would be nice to have higher level MIDI device layer similar to



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