brad clawsie wrote:
in any case, batteries included or not, ghc seems to have reached a
point of stability, high performance, and lots of neat fundamental
features that it can be left alone for a short time. i would love to see 2008 be the year we direct time and effort to solve filling holes in the libraries.

I would love to be skilled enough to actually help fix these "holes" rather than just complaining about them... Sadly, I'm not.

I've got an MD5 library I'm working on, and I've got a thin layer over Gtk2hs that should make writing programs that render bitmaps easier. (E.g., ray tracers, fractal generators... all the kinds of things I like writing!) If I ever manage to mangle those into a working state, I'll happily hand 'em over. But that's not going to make a huge difference to the HackageDB as a whole...

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