"Sebastian Sylvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > You make less bugs with that language? Fucking learn to write C++!
> Excuse me?
A probable exclamation of a pointy-haired boss, that is. What I wanted
to say is that if you tell such a guy that you'll make less bugs in
language X, he would assume that you can't program properly at all or
in the language you're supposed to be programming in. 

As much as I agree with your idealism, the most rigorous proof of the
earth being a sphere orbiting the sun could not convince people of the
fact that the earth isn't a planar disk, and actual awareness on how
the sun "rises" and the sun "sets" is rare even in these days where
people accept the fact.

Paradigm changes might only take a generation in a scientific
community, but it takes close to eons in a society, as its members
aren't nearly as involved in the scientific progress, and are (that's a
guess now) equally likely to resist a new paradigm as the scientists

The surest thing to make people switch is to make them not aware of it,
i.e. make things look exactly like in C, with incremental updates of
the same variable and everything, while still retaining a purely
functional semantic under the hood.

I guess that's why success has to be avoided at all cost.

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