> FYI: Haskell's OpenGL binding has just been dropped from GHC's
> extralibs, which means that it will no longer be kept in sync with GHC
> development, at least not by GHC HQ.
> GHC HQ has its hands full and -generally speaking - extralibs are to
> be replaced by H(L)P, the Haskell (Library) Platform:
> so this part is understandable. But OpenGL has been dropped before
> H(L)P is ready to take over from extralibs, and at the recent GHC Irc
> meeting on the topic
> the mood seemed to favour not including OpenGL&co in the initial
> versions of H(L)P. Sven put a lot of good work into these libraries,
> but he is often not around for a long time, and it would be a shame
> if these gems were orphaned and went out of sync in the meantime.
> While I haven't used OpenGL in a while, I've always hoped to come
> back to that, not to mention Sven's spatial audio binding additions.
> And if I'm not mistaken, there are other community members who
> are using these libs right now for research, possibly even prototyping
> in connection with a startup?
> So, if one of you wanted to step forward and offer to keep these
> Haskell bindings for OpenGL&co maintained, perhaps steward them
> into the H(L)P, now would probably be a good time.
> Just thought I'd forward this, for those not following cvs-ghc,
> Claus

Note the OpenGL are still just as maintained as they used to be -- that
is, it hasn't had a maintainer for several years.

The only change is that the GHC developers don't put them in a tarball
on prior to releasing GHC itself.

-- Don
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