LamdaVM was the only full-fledged effort to port Haskell to the JVM, and like most graduate school projects, the project is now dead.

I have strong interest in hosting GHC on the JVM. And I suspect it would be good for the Haskell community, as the JVM already runs on nearly every machine known to man, has a wealth of cross-platform libraries, and is getting improved support for dynamic and functional languages (method handles, tail call).


John A. De Goes
[n minds are better than n-1]

On Oct 11, 2008, at 10:07 AM, David Leimbach wrote:

Are there, or have there been Haskell ports to the JVM? Are any of them alive and well?

Is there an interest in hosting GHC on the JVM (besides my own).

I know I don't have time to tackle such a project but I'd be extremely interested in using such a thing. Especially in my day to day work. I currently do a lot of Java <-> Erlang via JInterface, and have been for months, yet there's many tasks I could do better in a language like Haskell.

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