as Chris Eidhof replied to me CAL is not pure. I was only playing with
GemCutter, I don't use CAL so I didn't know.


On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 5:32 PM, frantisek kocun

> There is CAL language (purely functional, very Haskell like, the most I
> have seen). CAL Eclipse plugin (IDE for CAL for non java-ers) is incredible,
> with support for code comletition, documentation, refactor, code
> navigation.. They have graphical editor GemCutter for it as well. You can
> use java libraries within it with unsafe imports or call cal function from
> java or there is even embedded CAL in Java:)
> Check out:
> Embeded CAL:
> This is from CAL for Haskell Programmers:
> CAL implements essentially all the non-syntactic sugar features of Haskell
> 98 (with its standard
> addendums) including:
> • algebraic functions with parametric polymorphism and inferred types
> o type declarations can specialize or assert types
> • data declarations for algebraic types
> o strictness flags for data constructor arguments
> • a module system supporting separate compilation
> • expression syntax supporting if-then-else, case, let (for both local
> variable and function definitions)
> and lambda expressions
> o support for most of Haskell's expression operators
> • special syntax for tuples, strings, characters, numbers and lists
> • an extensive collection of standard libraries
> • single parameter type classes
> o superclasses
> o derived instances, such as the instance declaration for Eq List
> o deriving clauses for common classes
> o default class method definitions
> o higher-kinded type variables, such as with the Functor type class
> • dynamics support via the Typeable type class and Dynamic type
> • user documentation generated from source code (similar to Haddock)
> • foreign function support
> • hierarchical module names
> Another interesting project is COHATOE (contributing Haskell to Eclipse) by
> which one can write Haskell plugins to Eclipse, but I have no clue how it
> works.
> Fero
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