On Oct 12, 2008, at 6:19 AM, Jon Harrop wrote:

On Saturday 11 October 2008 17:45:39 John A. De Goes wrote:
I have strong interest in hosting GHC on the JVM. And I suspect it
would be good for the Haskell community, as the JVM already runs on
nearly every machine known to man, has a wealth of cross-platform
libraries, and is getting improved support for dynamic and functional
languages (method handles, tail call).

The JVM has been about to get basic features like tail calls for several years

As a gentle correction of fact, while folks have been *asking* for tail calls in the JVM for over 10 years, it's only in the last year or two that there's actually been support from VM implementors for their inclusion. I've had specific discussions with JVM folks on this very topic on numerous occasions over the last 5 years. [I can't speak to what other "basic features" might have been slated for inclusion "several years ago"; I'll note that invokedynamic has been slated for inclusion for much longer, but required some wrangling between competing VM implementors and language designers to actually settle on an implementable spec. The result looks nothing at all like my memory of the original proposal.]

Back to your regularly scheduled Haskell discussion.


Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
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