"Frank A. Christoph" wrote:
> >     These fonts are especially recommended for use with pdfTeX.
> > In fact, for
> > PDF output one should not even consider applying the bitmap fonts for they
> > produce terrible results, whether generated with pdfTeX or with the
> > Distiller program.
> Is this why the PDF version of the Haskell report looks so strange? On my
> system (Win98 and Acrobat Reader 4.0) it looks like the baseline oscillates
> up and down between each letter. I find it very difficult to read. I've seen
> the same effect on other PDF-converted technical reports which were
> obviously produced with TeX/LaTeX. With Acrobat Reader 3.0 on Solaris, I
> don't see the same effect, although the lettering looks very cruddy (even
> with anti-aliasing on) and is equally hard to read.
> I had been meaning to mention these facts earlier... It would be nice if
> someone could regenerate the Reports.
> --FC

Yes, I think it is probably the reason although I can't be sure. It
certainly won't hurt to try these fonts especially designed for pdfTeX
when compiling the LaTeX sources of the documents ....

By the way, I agree with you that some people will never be satisfied,
probably because they are scared of the necessary effort required by a
paradigm shift as a shift from an imperative language to a declarative
one. I am myself new to Haskell. It requires a lot of effort and that
sometimes hurt a guy with a lot of experience with imperative languages
like me.

Francis Girard
Rimouski, Québec, Canada

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