I've just uploaded a new version of Gpipe that fixes these bugs:


* Textures should now work on OpenGl 2.1 (required OpenGl 3.x previously). 
Thanks to Jake for the bug report.


* Added link to GPipe homepage. Still not much there though (just Jake's 
example code), check back in a few days.



/Tobias Bexelius



> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 08:58:35 -0500
> From: jake.mcart...@gmail.com
> To: tobias_bexel...@hotmail.com
> CC: mr.hugo.go...@gmail.com; hope...@haskell.org; haskell@haskell.org
> Subject: Re: [HOpenGL] RE: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: GPipe-1.0.0: A functional 
> graphics API for programmable GPUs
> Speaking of texture, I tried rendering to a texture and sampling it and 
> got an error:
> Main: user error (unknown OpenGL extension entry glUniform1uiv, 
> check for OpenGL 3.1)
> I'm on Linux 2.6.30 with Mesa 7.5.1. Of course Mesa doesn't have support 
> for OpenGL 3.1 yet, but your description of GPipe says it only needs 
> OpenGL 2.1. Is this a GPipe bug or something else?
> - Jake
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