On 22/01/2008, Juerd Waalboer <ju...@convolution.nl> wrote:
> Ubuntu is exceptionally skilled at writing software that demand ones
> focus. Another exhibit: the upgrade thingy. After downlodaing the
> updated packages, its window will pop itself up to the front, and
> automatically start installing the new packages.
> It doesn't need your attention, and even if it would, that would still
> not be a valid excuse for being so incredibly annoying.
> The only kind of warning that should ever do this is, is in the
> disaster-imminent-if-you-don't-act-now category: empty battery, house on
> fire, nuclear waste in lost+found.

On that note, another hate.  The empty battery warnings *don't* get shown
when an app is fullscreened.  Because it's absolutely fine for my laptop to
fall asleep without warning when I'm watching a video in Totem.


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