* Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) <s...@hot.pl> [2009-03-05 11:55]: > You’re forgetting Pegasus Mail. > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus_Mail
Good mercy, why must you remind me? I tried that and tried hard to like it because it was technically so much better than Outlook Express. Unfortunately its UI couldn't hold a candle even to one as basic as OE's, so I never managed to hold onto it for long. It was a huge relief when I discovered the TheBat! and could kick all the other crap to the curb. Mutt might suck, but measuring it against the rest one could postulate that sufficiently advanced less-suckiness is almost indistinguishable from not sucking. * Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) <s...@hot.pl> [2009-03-05 13:25]: > Your Mutt munges my Mutt’s UTF-8. Hate. I'm on your side in this one, but beware that this list is largely comprised of people who aggresively don't care to deal with it. I send UTF-8 everywhere else, so that's what I did when I first subscribed here too. Two (or three?) flamefest threads later (each on the order of 50 mails or so), I gave up and got in line with the parochial ASCII regime. Regards, -- Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>