rfMRI_REST1_LR_hp2000_clean.nii.gz is a volume file, not a cifti file.
Cifti files end in things like .dtseries.nii.  See wb_command -cifti-help:



On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 4:17 PM, hercp <he...@uw.edu> wrote:

> I am running the command
> wb_command -cifti-reduce rfMRI_REST1_LR_hp2000_clean.nii.gz MEAN mean.
> rfMRI_REST1_LR_hp2000_clean.nii.gz
> and I get this error returned:
> ERROR: no cifti extension found in file C:/rfMRI_REST1_LR_hp2000_
> clean.nii.gz
> Am I missing a step?
> Thanks for your help,
> Heracles Panagiotides, PhD
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